크리스틴 오 피부과 Tin Oh semi permanent make-up

크리스틴 오 피부과
Tin Oh semi permanent make-up

New York Office #1 (FLUSHING)

  • By appointment only. Call us.
  • 646-696-4553
  • 164-10 Northern Blvd
    Suite 213
    Flushing, NY11358

New Jersey Office #2 (FORT LEE)

  • 646-696-4553
  • 2175 Lemonine Ave
    Suite 501
    Fort Lee, NJ07024

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전문분야 Semi permanent make-up, 반영구 화장
진료과목 Tin Oh Feathering
학력/경력 Over 20 years experience in the beauty industry internationally specializing in semi permanent make up.

* Director of Training, IIPC
* Instructor, Tinny Beauty School
* Exclusif Beaute Instructor

Semi permanent make up, and micro pigmentation.
She works with plastic & reconstructive surgeon Edumund Kwan, MD.
전화번호 646-696-4553
웹사이트 www.tinohsemiperm.com

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